Showcase Project


Description of Project:  This paper is my Literacy Narrative Analysis that is based on the scholarly ideas of Kara Poe Alexander, Deborah Brandt and Bronwyn Williams.  In the paper I talk about three literacy narrative themes from Kara Poe Alexander’s article “Successes, Victims, and Prodigies: “Master” and “Little” Cultural Narratives in the Literacy Narrative Genre” – Victim, Outsider and Success narratives.  I discuss how Victim and Outsider literacy narratives can develop into Success narratives and how influential they are to the reader and to the individual who wrote the paper.  Further, I discuss the common denominators found in these stories; Bronwyn Williams idea of identity shifting and Brandt’s idea about sponsorship.  In these stories the students have identity shifts through good and bad sponsorship experiences.  For instance, a child who hated reading was introduced to a teacher in middle school that helped him/her love reading again.